Original Research Article I Volume 5 I Issue 2 I 2017

Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction detected by speckle tracking in hypertensive patients with preserved ejection fraction

Kamal Ahmed Marghany; Yasser Abd El Galeel Omar; Hosam Hussien Kamel

Biolife; 2017, 5(2), pp 238-244



To detect early diastolic dysfunction in the left ventricle in hypertensive patients with preserved ejection fraction using 2D speckle tracking echocardiography. This is a prospective study that was carried on (80) hypertensive patients referred to Al Azhar university hospital outpatient clinic for evaluation and treatment of hypertension and (20) age and sex matched healthy volunteers as a control group.


hypertension; speckle tracking; echocardiography


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Article Dates:

Received: 8 April 2017; Accepted: 27 May 2017; Published: 5 June 2017

How To Cite:

Kamal Ahmed Marghany, Yasser Abd El Galeel Omar, & Hosam Hussien Kamel. (2022). Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction detected by speckle tracking in hypertensive patients with preserved ejection fraction. Biolife, 5(2), 238–244. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7364355

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