Received: 4 July 2016; Accepted: 22 August 2016; Published: 3 September 2016

Relative toxicity of Bifenthrin and Carbosulfan Fresh water fish Gara mullya (sykes)

S. B. Bansode; R. D. Patil

Toxicity tests have been found to be useful to provide answers to the human curiosities i.e relative toxicity of different toxicants to test species or relative sensitivity of species to different toxicants. In present investigation, the toxicity tests of bifenthrin and carbosulfan in freshwater fish Gara mullya (sykes) are carried out



Toxicity tests have been found to be useful to provide answers to the human curiosities i.e relative toxicity of different toxicants to test species or relative sensitivity of species to different toxicants. In present investigation, the toxicity tests of bifenthrin and carbosulfan in freshwater fish Gara mullya (sykes) are carried out.


Acute toxicity tests, Gara mullya(sykes), Bifenthrin, Carbosulfan


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Article Dates:

Received: 4 July 2016; Accepted: 22 August 2016; Published: 3 September 2016

How To Cite:

S. B. Bansode, & R. D. Patil. (2022). Relative toxicity of Bifenthrin and Carbosulfan Fresh water fish Gara mullya (sykes). Biolife, 4(3), 482–484.

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