Original Research Article I Volume 1 I Issue 1 I 2013

Intestinal Histopathology of Trematode Infected Fish, Channa Striatus

B. Laxmareddy; G. Benarjee

Biolife; 2013, 1(1), pp 29-31



Genarchopsis goppo, a trematode infests the intestine of fresh water fish, Channa striatus. Histopathological changes have been noticed in the intestine of fish due to infection with Genarchopsis goppo. The main objective of this study is to observe histopathological changes that occur in the intestine of fresh water fish, Channa striatus infected with the trematode, Genarchopsis goppo. Histopathological changes include shortening and destruction of villi, vacuolation of sub mucous cells, dilation of blood vessels thickening of muscles and necrosis.


Channa striatus, Genarchopsis goppo, Histopathology


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Article Dates:

Received: 8 January 2013; Accepted: 19 February 2013; Published: 3 March 2013

How To Cite:

B. Laxmareddy, & G. Benarjee. (2022). Intestinal Histopathology of Trematode Infected Fish, Channa Striatus. Biolife, 1(1), 29–31. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7184490

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