Original Research Article I Volume 1 I Issue 3 I 2013
Antibiotic Resistance Trends in Clinical Bovine Mastitis
Awandkar S. P; Bhikane A. U; Kulkarni M.B.
Biolife; 2013, 1(3), pp 139-143
The present study was aimed to know and monitor the antibiotic resistance trends in the clinical cases of bovine mastitis from Nanded, Latur, Osmanabad and Beed districts of Maharashtra State, India. A total of 300 dairy animals from Nanded, Latur, Osmanabad and Beed districts of Maharashtra State, India, including cross bred and indigenous cattle and buffaloes over the period of five years (from 2008 to 2012) suffering from clinical mastitis were monitored for antibiotic resistance following standard disk diffusion method.
antibiogram, clinical mastitis, bovine, trends.
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Article Dates:
Received: 16 July 2013; Accepted: 24 August 2013; Published: 11 September 2013
How To Cite:
Awandkar S. P, Bhikane A. U, & Kulkarni M.B. (2022). Antibiotic Resistance Trends in Clinical Bovine Mastitis. Biolife, 1(3), 139–143. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7188654