Original Research Article I Volume 1 I Issue 3 I 2013

A Study on the Transaminase Activity of Raillietina Tetragona (Molin, 1858) Infecting Domestic Chick (Gallus Domesticus)

Achaiah N

Biolife; 2013, 1(3), pp 90-92



Raillietina tetragona is an endogenous helminth parasite infecting domestic chick. Transaminase enzyme (ALAT and AAT) levels in different regions representing different metabolic states were evaluated and the activity levels were statistically evaluated. A marked gradient of activity levels was observed. The results are discussed in relation to their metabolic activities.


Raillietina tetragona, domestic chick, Transaminases, ALAT and AAT, metabolic activities.


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Article Dates:

Received: 12 July 2013; Accepted: 26 August 2013; Published: 5 September 2013

How To Cite:

Achaiah N*. (2022). A Study on the Transaminase Activity of Raillietina Tetragona (Molin, 1858) Infecting Domestic Chick (Gallus Domesticus). Biolife, 1(3), 90–92. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7188065

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