Original Research Article I Volume 11 I Issue 1 I 2023

Characterization of Actinomycetes Producing Novel Antibiotics

Venkata Gopinath B and Singara Charya M.A

Biolife, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, pp 62-64



Actinomycetes that may have good potential of producing novel antibiotics against coal mine soil MMKK2 gram positive bacteria most of the isolates (46%) also showed antimicrobial activity Streptomyces rochei. These bacteria are known capable of producing secondary and primary metabolites isolation and characterization of actinomycetes were conducted by serial dilution, pour plate method on GAAM, SCA Medias while characterization was by determining morphological, physiological, ecological and genetic analysis of colonies, cell structure and biochemical tests. The results solved by 16SrDNA sequence analysis showing Antibiotic activity related to the genus Streptomyces followed by Microbacterium, Agromyces, Bacillus megaterium, rare antibacterial genera accounted for minor proportions


Actinomycetes, coal mine soil samples, human pathogens primary and secondary screening


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Article Dates:

Received: 2 8 January 2022; Accepted: 1 M arch 2023; Published online: 18 March 2023.

How To Cite:

Venkata Gopinath B, & Singara Charya M.A. (2023). Characterization of Actinomycetes Producing Novel Antibiotics. Biolife, 11(1), 62–64. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7749199

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