Original Research Article I Volume 3 I Issue 4 I 2015

Biotechnological importance of topical application of phytojuvenoid with particular reference to biochemical performance of multivoltine mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori Linn.)

Roli Srivastava and V.B. Upadhyay

Biolife; 2015, 3(4), pp 859-863



The topical application of phytojuvenoid on Bombyx mori larvae has been proved to be of biotechnological significance in the sericulture industry. Variation in the phytojuvenoid concentration significantly (P1<0.01) influenced the total protein level in the fat body of larvae at the initial stage of spinning. The maximum level of total protein content was recorded in case of 30% phytojuvenoid concentration at triple treated(IIIth - IVth) larvae while it was lowest in 40% phytojuvenoid concentration at triple treated larvae at the initial stage of spinning.


Phytojuvenoid, Protein content, Fat body, Larvae, Bombyx mori.


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Article Dates:

Received: 4 October 2015; Accepted: 22 November 2015; Published: 7 December 2015

How To Cite:

Roli Srivastava, & V.B. Upadhyay. (2015). Biotechnological importance of topical application of phytojuvenoid with particular reference to biochemical performance of multivoltine mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori Linn.). Biolife, 3(4), 859–863. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7306710

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