Original Research Article I Volume 4 I Issue 1 I 2016

Effects of soil management practices on the composition of soil-inhabiting micro arthropods

Venu N; Srinvivas Reddy V; Vikram Reddy M

Biolife; 2016, 4(1), pp 164-171



Microarthropods play a significant role in accelerating plant residue decomposition through their interactions with the microflora. During the present investigation, attempts were made to investigate the effects of 15 different soil management practices on soil microarthropods across rainy, postrainy, and dry seasons in Alfisol maize agroecosystems. The present experiment was carried out in the field designated RM19B on the research farm at the ICRISAT Asia Center.


Microarthropods, population densities, Acarina, soil management practices.


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Article Dates:

Received: 9 January 2016; Accepted: 27 February 2016; Published: 6 March 2016

How To Cite:

Venu N, Srinvivas Reddy V, & Vikram Reddy M. (2022). Effects of soil management practices on the composition of soil-inhabiting micro arthropods. Biolife, 4(1), 164–171. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7313206

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