Original Research Article I Volume 4 I Issue 2 I 2016
Characterization Of Physico Chemical Parameters In Water Samples Of River Bhavani
A. Paritha Bhanu
Biolife; 2016, 4(2), pp 333-336
Three stations were selected to a stretch of 65 km along the North bank of River Bhavani. The samples were collected tri-monthly between 9am -11am during the first week of July and October 2013 and January and April 2014. The analysis indicated that the water samples were found to process high BOD, COD, TDS and pH as well as lesser oxygen and EC.
Physicochemical Parameters, Water Samples, Sampling Stations, River Bhavani.
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Article Dates:
Received: 5 April 2016; Accepted: 23 May 2016; Published: 5 June 2016
How To Cite:
A. Paritha Bhanu. (2022). Characterization Of Physico Chemical Parameters In Water Samples Of River Bhavani. Biolife, 4(2), 333–336. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7317879