Original Research Article I Volume 11 I Issue 1 I 2023
Bird Ecology in the Ruzizi Delta, Northern End of Lake Tanganyika in Burundi and in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Bashonga Bishobibiri Alexis; Eric Sande; Gaspard Ntakimazi; Charles Kahindo
Biolife, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, pp 12-20
Bird ecology in the Ruzizi Delta was investigated during the months of April, July and October 2019-2021. Three species of water birds were the most prominent, the Cattle Egret (Ardeidae), Bubulcus ibis (Linnaeus, 1758) «Héron garde boeufs», the Black Crake (Rallidae) Amaurornis flavirostris (Swainson, 1837) «Râle à bec jaune» and the Africana Jacana (Jacanidae) Actophilornis africanus (Gmelin, 1789) «Jacana a poitrine dorée». The objective pursued by the research is the sustainable conservation of birds by protecting their habitats, the wetlands of the Ruzizi Delta, particularly the unprotected Ruzizi Congolese Delta. The research documents 490 bird species including 99 (20%) in the unprotected Ruzizi Congolese Delta, 191 (39%) in the protected Rusizi Burundian Delta, and 200 species (41%) in both the Ruzizi Congolese Delta and Rusizi Burundian Delta. The research presents 60 newly reported species in the Ruzizi delta of which four are reported only in the unprotected Ruzizi Congolese Delta, 37 in the protected Rusizi Burundian Delta and 19 newly reported species both in the Ruzizi Congolese Delta and Rusizi Burundian Delta.
Ecology, conservation and management of birds; Ruzizi Delta; Wetland areas; Habitat degradation; Water birds.
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Article Dates:
Received: 28 December 2022; Accepted: 18 February 2023; Published online: 28 February 2023
How To Cite:
Bashonga Bishobibiri Alexis, Eric Sande, Gaspard Ntakimazi, & Charles Kahindo. (2023). Bird Ecology in the Ruzizi Delta, Northern End of Lake Tanganyika in Burundi and in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Biolife, 11(1), 12-20. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7686228 Received: 28 December 2022; Accepted: 18 February 2023; Published online: 28 February 2023